Friday, November 24, 2006

Tourism important for fighting poverty and improving cultural understanding

The importance of tourism and its contribution to the process of economic and social development, within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, was underscored during the Executive Council of the UNWTO, meeting in Algiers for its 79th session on November 20th and 21st.Under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Tijani Haddad, Minister of Tourism of Tunisia, the UNWTO Executive Council decided to endorse its Secretary General`s report on the following major challenges facing the sector and proposals for strengthening the organization`s capacity to respond:

- Promoting the economic impacts of tourism

- Managing site congestion and enhancing infrastructure

- Liberalizing tourism services

- Managing socio-cultural impacts

- Integrating into peace processes

- Embracing Information and Communication Technology into all aspects of management

- Intensifying the fight against poverty

- Strengthening public-private partnerships

- Preparing to manage crises

The Chairman said that "there is a window of opportunity for this incredible industry to help respond to major challenges facing the world community, particularly in the fight against poverty and in improving cultural understanding and harmony. Poor countries all have tourism export activity and people to people contact is the best way to build peace and understanding. The World Tourism Organization is well placed as the central UN Agency for the sector to lead this initiative."

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