Friday, November 24, 2006

Tourism important for fighting poverty and improving cultural understanding

The importance of tourism and its contribution to the process of economic and social development, within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, was underscored during the Executive Council of the UNWTO, meeting in Algiers for its 79th session on November 20th and 21st.Under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Tijani Haddad, Minister of Tourism of Tunisia, the UNWTO Executive Council decided to endorse its Secretary General`s report on the following major challenges facing the sector and proposals for strengthening the organization`s capacity to respond:

- Promoting the economic impacts of tourism

- Managing site congestion and enhancing infrastructure

- Liberalizing tourism services

- Managing socio-cultural impacts

- Integrating into peace processes

- Embracing Information and Communication Technology into all aspects of management

- Intensifying the fight against poverty

- Strengthening public-private partnerships

- Preparing to manage crises

The Chairman said that "there is a window of opportunity for this incredible industry to help respond to major challenges facing the world community, particularly in the fight against poverty and in improving cultural understanding and harmony. Poor countries all have tourism export activity and people to people contact is the best way to build peace and understanding. The World Tourism Organization is well placed as the central UN Agency for the sector to lead this initiative."

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I really like to travel!
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Commission allows Malta to aid the creation of new air routesThursday

The European Commission has decided to allow Malta to grant start-up aid for new air routes from Malta International Airport. The measure will last until September 2011 and provides for a total of Lm25 million (€58 million) to airlines in order to finance new routes.

The primary objective of the aid is to improve connectivity by enhancing access to air transport services which are of basic importance for the economic and social development of Malta. The measure approved by the Commission provides for public funding of new services departing from Malta International Airport.

The aid is designed to help airlines wishing to establish new routes to/from the airport by meeting part of their start-up costs and route specific marketing aid.

Tourism: An instrument of develoment for IberoamericaThursday

Iberoamerica receives 15% of worldwide tourist arrivals, which in 2005 generated 90 billion US dollars (73 billion euros) in receipts. Tourism thus constitutes an important instrument for the promotion of development in Iberoamerica, as underlined by the publication "Tourism in Iberoamerica", jointly produced by the UNWTO and the Iberoamerican General Secretariat (SEGIB).

Tourism is one of the most dynamic economic activities at the international level. For the 22 Iberoamerican countries, revenues from international tourism and passenger transport account for more than 10% of total exports of goods and services and represent 3% of Gross Domestic Product, according to the UNWTO.

Iberoamerica received 122 million international tourist arrivals in 2005 (15% of the world total of 806 million), generating 90 billion US dollars (73 billion euros), equivalent to 13% of worldwide receipts (682 billion dollars).

While a large part of this tourism is concentrated in Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Mexico, there has been a notable dynamism in the Latin American region over the past fifteen years, During this period, destinations in Central America (+9%), and South America (+6%) enjoyed growth rates considerably higher than that of world tourism as a whole (+4.1%).

The challenge that lies ahead consists of "knowing how to utilize the current momentum in order to achieve greater development", as pointed out in "Tourism in Iberoamerica". The UNWTO forecasts that this growth trend will continue and that arrivals will top 200 million by 2020. Especially fast growth is expected in Iberoamerican destinations in South America, followed by those in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

The growth of comparatively emerging destinations will complement the diversification of relatively more established destinations, thus boosting tourism`s role as a tool for the economic and social development of the Iberoamerican community.

"Tourism in Iberoamerica" was prepared within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the UNWTO and SEGIB and highlights the importance and potential of Iberoamerica in the field of tourism. "Over the next several years, we will witness the definitive awakening of this economic and tourism giant that has begun to mobilize itself to contribute to the generation of value and the fight against poverty," as the publication points out.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

TIA`s survey reveals Americans` travel habits

The Travel Industry Association of America and Synovate had conducted the Voice of the Traveler survey, indicating the travel habits of travelers in the United States. Spa vacations, volunteer vacations , children-friendly destinations are among the few sectors that illustrate the future in US travel.
SPA VACATIONS: More than half (54%) of travelers said they were currently interested in going to a spa or a place where they can relax and rejuvenate themselves. Good news for the spa industry…interest appears to be growing. Almost a third (28%) of travelers said they were MORE interested now compared to five years ago in going to a spa or a place where they can relax and rejuvenate themselves. In fact, spa vacations ranked fifth when listing all the things people said they were MORE interested in doing now compared to five years ago. Among those who are interested in spa vacations, the majority (40%) are 35 – 54 years old; however, interest is also strong among 18 – 34 year olds (37%).
VOLUNTEER VACATIONS: One-quarter (24%) of travelers said they were currently interested in taking a volunteer or service-based vacation. More than one in ten travelers (11%) said they were MORE interested now compared to five years ago in taking a volunteer or service-based vacation. Interest was strongest among baby boomers, with the largest share (47%) of those interested in taking a volunteer vacation falling into the 35 – 54 year old age range.
CHILDREN-FRIENDLY DESTINATIONS: More than 35% of travelers said they were currently interested in traveling to places that cater to children. Among those who are interested, the majority (51%) are 18 – 34 years old, presumably young families with young children. Nearly one in five travelers (18%) said they were MORE interested now compared to five years ago in traveling to places that cater to children.
SPIRITUAL VACATIONS: One-quarter (25%) of travelers said they were currently interested in taking a spiritual vacation (e.g., religious retreat, pilgrimage). More than one in ten travelers (12%) said they were MORE interested now compared to five years ago in taking a spiritual vacation. The appeal of a spiritual vacation spans the ages, with approximately one-third of each age group (18 – 34 years old, 35 – 54 years old and 55+) expressing current interest in taking such a vacation.
ENRICHMENT TRAVEL: More than half (56%) of travelers said they were currently interested in taking an educational trip where they and/or their family can learn something. Nearly 22% of travelers said they were MORE interested now compared to five years ago in taking such a trip.